NPORS Cable Avoidance Tool
As many of you know Kentra Training was established in 1997 by Norman Kennish. Straight away the company registered with NPORS as a training provider. Our registration is number 66 and we are now one of the longest serving TP’s with them, delivering nearly 100 different training courses, including our own unique NPORS Small Plant and Portable Tools course and also the NPORS Cable Avoidance Tool, which is what this blog is about.
Cable avoidance tools use signals to scan the ground to help discover underground pipes or cables to avoid any risk if injury or damage the pipes or cables. Cable locators or ground penetrating radars are used before any excavation to pinpoint exactly where the utilities are underground.
For more course information have a look at our Course syllabus and details blog.
Course Ratio’s
The following course training and testing ratios are the maximum numbers set by NPORS. This course is designed for novice operators through to experienced workers.
Duration: 1 day for up to 6 candidates. The course includes instructor presentation and full operator training.
Certification & Validation
Any of the above lift truck courses can be registered with our awarding body NPORS or accredited by us Kentra Training. We are a registered training provider and our cards are suitable for the HSE and insurances. Candidates successfully completing this course will receive one of the following:
- Kentra Training course validation and plastic (credit card size) ID card
- NPORS Cable avoidance tool and plastic ID card
If NPORS is required we will need to notify them prior to the course, so please mention this when booking.
Our instructor will take the candidates pictures on the day of training, which will appear on their ID cards.
How we can help
Speaking of help, at Kentra we like to assist our clients with help to arrange their training needs. We have customers from all walks of life; self employed lone workers to multi national blue chip companies, and it’s a pleasure to talk to you all. If you would like more information about the courses we offer, including the NPORS Cable avoidance tool, click HERE for a link to our brochure or please get in touch and let us help you through.
The Kentra Training Team
01606 832 556.
Established Feb 1997
Proud to be celebrating delivering quality training for over 25 years.
More details are available on our blogs
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