It’s the end of an era, John one of our resident instructors and company director is moving on to pastures new.

As many of you know we are a family business, John is my brother and son to Norman and Tricia.  After finishing university, fully qualified with a teaching degree John helped my dad for a few days training, which became a few months and here we are 20 years later.

After relocating to Matlock, it is now time for a new chapter in John’s working life. A move to the workplace of a major construction company, with a training centre in Derby.

John would like to say thank you to everyone, co-workers and customers. He appreciates and has enjoyed working with you all during his time at Kentra “End of an era is right!”

Everyone at Kentra Training wishes John good luck and the very best wishes in his new job.


Pastures New

Kentra Training est. February 1997