We provide a wide selection of Agricultural and Horticulture courses, specialising in on-site training.   The N604 Grass Cutter and Mower course is delivered using a mixture of both classroom based tutorial and practical machine operating, testing and a final course assessment.

Aims and Objectives

On completion of the course those attending should be able to operate and maintain mower(s) in a safe and efficient manner. We also cover in our presentation the hazards associated with various plants and toxic woods, which the candidates may come into contact with during their work.

Delegate Eligibility – Entry Requirements

This course is designed for candidates of all abilities. We can assist candidates with any learning difficulties or where English may not be their first language, please mention when booking a course.

Course Duration

There are 3 levels of experience

  • Novice: Where full training is required. 4 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor: Duration 1-2 days
  • Refresher and Test: Where candidates require refresher training and may need some remedial tuition. 4 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor: 1 Day
  • Experienced Worker Test (EWT): This is just testing only 6 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor: 1 Day

Please note that there are two variations of Grass cutter – Ride on and Pedestrian which are classed as separate tests. Therefore testing on both variations will adjust the above ratios.

EWT’s are also applicable for mixed category testing with other items of Horticulture equipment, up to the maximum of 6 Experienced Worker tests per day for 1 Instructor. Please ask for more details.

N604 Grass Cutter and Mower

Course Content
  • Responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and other relevant legislation and guidelines
  • Pre shift & operational checks
  • Ride On machines – manoeuvred machine safely
  • Safely mow & cut an area of grass
  • Cutting near highway if applicable
  • End of shift checks
Variations of Grass cutter &  Mower
  • Pedestrian controlled
  • Ride-on machine
  • Agricultural Tractor
  • Roller
  • Cylinder mower
  • Rotary mower
  • Hydraulic Arm with flail

If you have any attachments these can be included in the assessment and detailed on the training card (if required).

N604 Grass Cutter and Mower

Learning Outcomes
  • Have a basic understanding of the dangers and their responsibilities as an operator
  • Be able to locate and identify the major components and key controls of the machine and explain their functions
  • Set up an exclusion zone
  • Conduct all pre-operational checks, identify PPE appropriate for grass cutters – mower use
  • Select suitable type of machine relative to the work being undertaken
  • Prepare the grass cutter – mower for use
  • Conduct all necessary safety checks at the work area
  • Operate machinery safely and efficiently
  • Storage and transport of grass cutter –  mower
  • Disposal of cut materials
  • Carry out all end of shift and shut down procedures
Certification & Validation

This course can be registered with our awarding body NPORS or accredited by us Kentra Training. We are a registered training provider and our cards are suitable for the HSE and insurances.

So candidates successfully completing this course will receive one of the following:

  • Kentra Training course validation and plastic (credit card size) ID card
  • NPORS registration and plastic ID card N604 Grass Cutter and Mower

If NPORS is required we will need to notify them prior to the course, so please mention this when booking.

Our instructor will take the candidates picture on the day of training, which will appear on their ID cards.

N604 Grass Cutter and Mower

The technical bit…


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that everyone at work needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to provide their employees with information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonable practicable, their health and safety at work . The self employed also have a duty, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure their own health and safety and that of
others who may be affected by their work activities.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 also specify situations where health and safety training is particularly important, e.g. when people start work. There are a number of other regulations with specific training requirements, e.g. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER98) specifies the need for training for people who use work equipment. Courses at our training centre can be run as open training programmes, meaning that if you only have one or two candidates, you can join a course with other delegates on a mutually convenient day.

On-site Course Requirements

You will need:

  • A room for the theory session.
  • A safe area for the practical assessment using the Grass cutter to cut vegetation.
  • Delegates will be expected to provide their own PPE.
  • All machinery to be in good working order.
  • Candidates will need to know their own date of birth and National Insurance number.

How can we help

At Kentra Training Centre we are proud to offer a wide range of training courses and cater to the bespoke needs of our clients. Let us know when you need and how we can help you, and be sure of a friendly welcome from the team.

We wouldn’t go so far as to say the office staff are a fountain of all knowledge, but they know everything there is to know about our courses, and what they don’t know they can usually find out.  You can message us through the website CLICK HERE, or give us a call on 01606 832 556.

Don’t worry, there’s no obligation, and no strings attached when you make an enquiry. We’ll try our best to point you in the right direction!

We look forward to helping you with this NPORS N604 Grass Cutter and Mower course or any of your training needs.

The Kentra Training Team

N604 Grass Cutter and Mower

More blogs on Mower training including

Grass Cutters & Mowers – our A 2 Z of Safety Training

All You Need To Know About Horticultural Landscaping Health And Safety Requirements

N604 Official NPORS Grass cutter and Mower Training

Explore the different Horticulture Equipment Training available